14 apartments
Work Pods
Jayamahal and Nandidurg Road are warmly associated with old Bangalore's rich history.
5km from CBD
If you own stores in the CBD
12km from Peenya
If you drive to your factory everyday
7km from Manyata
For our IT/ITES customers
It’s Jayamahal. Do we need to say more?
‘Livingwalls Olde Town' is tucked away in the familiar upmarket locale of Jayamahal. Jayamahal has long been sought after as a quiet residential area. The property we have handpicked in Jayamahal is best suited to serve a small community of residents.

Corten Steel Facade
The modern slatted frontage built with Corten Steel will weather well
Two Basement Levels
The building has two basement levels. Each apartment has two dedicated car parks.

Rooftop swimming pool
Placed for the best privacy
Balcony Gardens
Your private garden

If you are in a hurry, download a PDF Brochure instead

Open Plan Blueprint
The Open Plan Blueprint aims to recapture the familiar flavour of an independent house with a living area that opens into a garden.

- Roof Top Swimming Pool
- Gym
- Covered Party Area
- Optional Work Pods
- Party Hall
- Double Basements
- Sewage Treatment Plant
- Water Treatment Plant
- EV Ready Parking Bays
- Common Lift Lobby
- Power Backup DGs
- Access Control Lifts
- Drip Irrigated Landscaped Areas
- Optional Stacked Parking Equipment
- Automatic Lights in the Basement
- Solar Powered Common Area Lighting

Site Address
Nandidurga Road,
Benson Town,
Bangalore 560046.
Sales Office
VDB Infra & Realty
Pvt. Ltd.
842/A, 100ft Rd, Indiranagar,
Bangalore 560038.